Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Foods to Eat Before You Run

Food To Eat Before You Run

If you wake up early to go running it can be very confusing trying to figure out good foods to eat before you run.

You may not have time in the to eat before you run because your stomach has to digests some of the food. Some foods are ok, but others can make you feel nauseous and uncomfortable.

Sometimes you may run in the middle of the day and need the energy to keep you going while your run.

What's a good food to eat?

 What are the best foods to eat before running?

 My advice would be to experiment with some of these foods and see what works for your running.

Banana - What a great tasting sweet fruit that raises blood sugar naturally providing you with energy for your run! In the morning when you step out of bed a banana is one of those great foods to eat before you run. It will fill you up and doesn't cause any stomach discomfort during your run.

Bananas are my fruit of choice while going on long runs, because they are easy to carry and convenient to eat when you need the energy.  Eating 2 bananas will keep you going for an hour or more. Eat a banana a day because bananas have more vitamins and nutrients than an apple! The vitamin K in bananas help to transport oxygen to the muscles making muscles more efficient.

Yogurt - Yogurt is easy to digest and is recommended for people who have a difficult time digesting lactose in dairy products. It contains protein that helps build muscle, vitamin D (calcium) to keep your bones strong, and is good for cardio health! You only need a little bit to get you going.

Nuts - Almonds or walnuts really help in absorbing toxins and are great at providing natural energy. It is among the best foods to eat before you run! With essential oils helping you to stave off hunger nuts are a great choice to get you out the door. A handful of 8 will do.

Oatmeal - With it's heart happy fibre and carbohydrate properties this homemade oatmeal is a great on the menu for foods to eat before you run first thing in the morning. You only need a little to get you going, the oats contain protein making it an excellent choice for muscle energy. Oats absorb slowly in your system, if  you add fruit, or naturals jams this will keep your energy high and hunger at bay. 

Water - I always suggest you add a half a cup, to a cup of water to keep you hydrated. Have it about 15 minutes before you get out there.

Let me know in the comments section what foods do you eat before you run!

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