Thursday, August 30, 2012

Why am I having such a hard time running?

The season slowly moves it's way to the end..............................................

And you are still having a hard time running...

Why are you having such a hard time running?

It takes a good 3 or 4 times to get started running, so don't worry if you've fallen back.
Do you have an injury that has set you back which is made you have a hard time running?
Make sure you are walking 30 minutes every day. 
Walk the route you want to run.
Walking burns 200 calories in 36 minutes!
When things get better...start running!
Why am I having such a hard time running?

One of the reasons you have such a hard time running is because of consistency and staying with your schedule. 

Sometimes I even have problems getting out the door.
I want to roll over, go back to sleep and forget about running altogether!
it's nice just to sit back and relax...You're so busy, the last thing you want to do is run.
And who wants to get all sweaty anyway!

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Believe it or not, one day - on your busiest day - you'll say..."I got-to-get-out of there, I need to run!"

It's really all about thinking where this running is going to take you, after you've peeled yourself out of bed.
Yes, you go around the block and some.
But there's more attached to that when you've finished.
It's a bigger place, it's accomplishment...  Your victory place.
Your Victory Place of you accomplishing this very goal!
Your own goal. ONLY YOURS...
It feels soooo good!
Doing this every week inserts positive feelings that feel far better then quitting...

Do you know what it feels like to say, "I just ran 5 Kilometers without stopping!", "I just ran 12 Kilometers!" or "I just ran 12 miles!"?
It's an amazing feeling!
It's your own victory!
Imagine you running 12 miles and looking very toned and feeling very awesomely cool inside.

Right now you may think you'll never do this because you're having such a hard time running!

There are so many people who have joined RunningMySpace and are doing it. 
Guess what? You will too!
They started at the same spot as you.
Some of them even cried there way to the door just because they knew what they wanted, but found the first steps of getting out there, hard
They went kicking and screaming, but they got there!
After a few times quitting and then getting back out and trying it again, they did it.

I'm going to give you 3 tips to keep you going...
  1.  When you go to bed, put all your running apparel out on the dresser and shoes beside the bed. This is a great trick that plays on the mind, because the minute you open your eyes you'll see what you need to do for the day. Your stuff is waiting for you to run!
  2. Think of your goal... Your goal to run that 5K, that Terry Fox run or running cross-country races! If you picture yourself doing the action, this picture has a strange way of arranging things to make goals happen. 
  3. Give yourself a break. If you are really tired one day and it's your running day, don't run. Walk. Walk for at least a half hour, you might surprise yourself and throw in a few running steps!
Racing is a great way to keep you motivated and stay running.
Click this link and order this Superior Program for Beginners if you are having a hard time running.
This program will help you stay motivated and get you to the finish line.
Here's what you get.
  • 5K Training for Beginners manual
  • A Runners Guide to Nutrition
  • A Runner's Guide to Preventing and Treating Injuries
  • How to Boost Your Metabolism
  • Healthy Smoothies for Rapid Weight Loss
  • Rapid Weight Loss
  • Planning Your Success
  • Healthy Soups for Healthy Living
  • Glycemic 101
Click Here to Take Action!


  1. I don't know much about being a runner as I have a deteriorated L5 in my back. However, it does feel good to stretch and walk. I have to be careful to not overdue it or I suffer the consequences of inflammation and swelling that causes pain. Great explanation and motivation for runners though. Thought of my friend, Eno...she's a runner.

  2. Thai is great Carla you stay active, walking can have the same benefits as running if it's consistent! Thank you for your comment and wish your running friend well from me :D

  3. Good article - I can relate to the comments about getting out of bed. I am the same sometimes about going to the gym - I just know that I will feel so much better for going - some days that is the only thought that gets me out of bed..... I am always right thought, I always come home feeling on top of the world.

  4. Enjoyed reading your post. I'm not a runner but I do love my 3.5 - 5 mile walks with my 2 little dogs. Mind you, I overdid it when my knee was sore and now I'm paying for it. Also, getting older doesn't help. My mind says I can do anything I want but my body says..."Hold on there! You ain't no spring chicken!" Moderation.... :)

  5. Thanks Di, yes sometimes I wish I had a machine that would be on auto to get me out the door! In the end it always feels good :)

  6. Wow101, I definitely know what you mean there! Getting older and still having the inspiration to do what you always did and more can have you hitting obstacles. Mainly injuries.
    Thank you :)

  7. wake up, step out of bed and instant pain shoots from my feet to the point I have to walk on my tip toes. knees kill when I bend to put on shoes and yes I have good running shoes, yet every m w f I get on a treadmill in hopes to make 3.1 miles, my best has been 2.4 but I seem to get cramps in my stomach and dizzy lately so I have been doing less and less. what am I doing wrong


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