Monday, September 24, 2007

Is Autumn Really Here?

Well today was an interesting run. The woods floor is just starting to get a cover of maple leaves and sticks. Usually my track is well ingrained to a fine silt of dirt and the odd tiny stick. Today was different. Was it because fall has finally arrived on the calender? The weather here lately in Ontario, Canada has been quite mild and warm. We haven't had rain in about 2 good weeks. The ground is dry and crackles nicely under your feet. The only chance of dirtying your shoe is the wet grass in the morning and the powdery wood trails. I have the urge to feel the cold wind blow into my face while I step onto crunchy bright frozen snow. Why you say? Yes, it could be that I am Canadian and relish that cold winter weather. Or it could be that scary word "change... " The change of life, the change from monotony, the change to think different things. New ideas, new people, new activities... new everything. That includes new runs with me galloping through the snow. I can't wait!!!

1 comment:

  1. Check out my new blog about being a wife, mother, woman at


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