Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why is running so hard for me?

It's hard to get out there and do what you know you need to do and you're wondering to yourself,
"Why is running so hard for me?"
 You want to stay in good shape, live a long life and you think just by nudging yourself out the door every day to do something...
that you'll be protecting yourself from bad health!
This is all true!

The problem is... "It's hard!"

Running doesn't need to be hard. 
Running just needs to happen with an honest beginning running schedule and good program, so your body gets what's going on.
Once you have the assurance and depend on a Learn to Run Program, then running isn't nearly as hard.
You've upped your confidence and don't have to think or worry about how hard it is, because a running program  fixes it all up for you! Join us free and get tips on running! Read on....

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There will always be hard parts to running, but the beginning is much tougher without a proper program.

 Because you are running a blind path (so to speak) and wondering when you'll find the end.
You really don't know where the good feeling in the process of running is which makes you don't want to go for a run. You will discover the value of running using a Learn to Run Program

The secret to a Learn to Run Program is the Run/Walk
It takes your body about 3 to 6 weeks of consistent running and walking (3days/week) before running feels easy for you. Once you get to this point, it's easier for You to get to the next step, running for 30 minutes.

 Experienced runners know it's going to be hard, but they also know that running is only hard when you push...
There are two kinds of pushes:
  • When you push and find yourself getting better at running, you are achieving running greatness.
  • When you push and it hurts too much, you are defeating the Learn to Run Journey and need to take a step back to achieve your running fullness.
Your whole body has to get used to what Running is... 
  •  Troubles with fatigue
  • Sore muscles
  • Stiffness in the joints
  • Shortness of breath or breathlessness
  • Side stitches
  • Problems of not meeting your half mile mark are all problems that take time to understand.
With a program, you are able to organize the whole process in your head. Even when your brain tells you to keep going, a program will provide you with the knowledge to slow down, keep going or stop, to prevent injury and disappointments.

Running involves your heart, lungs, muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments and more.
Once these major parts are awakened to running, they function amazing by keeping you comfortable and satisfied.
Organize yourself by ordering this program, so that you can get all the information you need.
  • When you are feeling slow, you'll know why...
  • When you are feeling heavy, you'll know why...
  • When you are feeling uncomfortable, you'll know why.
  • When you don't know what to run for tomorrow...sign up for the Learn To Run program! 
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Getting Started Running Again
Tips on Preparing For A Race 
Check out what other people say!

Check out the Running Tips and join my Newsletter for the Best Tips and Motivation!

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