Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Act of Learning to Run

You will understand by the end of this post why the act of learning to run is so important to your life.

If you've even thought of running before then this article is for you, because you could be the next somebody running a marathon even if you think your over the hill!
Just imagine...
Wouldn't that be nice!

You'll understand how to get in the right frame of mind answering the following questions...

The act of learning to run is understanding ...

  • Why you want to run?
  • How you are going to do this?
  • Who are you going to do it with?
  • Where you want to see yourself in 3 months?
  • When is the best time for learning to run?
  • How is running going to change your life?
This is the cornerstone of your life (maybe that's why you are here!) it means you need to understand what you want.

You could join a gym, you could purchase a treadmill, you could  do all sorts of things to learn to run.
You might still feel very stuck! 

I remember playing in the park when I was about 12 and seeing a women painstakingly run on hot days in summer and freezing days in winter. She ran all the time...
She would run looking like she was hanging on for dear life on the edge of a cliff.
She looked like she hated it!
I felt sorry for her...All those years I saw her running she didn't look like she lost any weight and she seemed like she wasn't enjoying it, only suffering.
I think about it now and know she was feeling stuck, because she wasn't seeing any of her training benefits or feeling good!
I see people like that every day trying to get in shape and not getting there!
I don't want that to happen to you, I want you to understand what you are doing every time you run and I also want you to love running.

You will see the benefits running offers!

You know what that women needed, she needed her dreams to come true.
She wanted to get healthy, feel good, look good, and most of all lose weight.
She didn't have the right information to get her to where she wanted to go.

There was one thing missing that she probably didn't think of and that's why I felt so bad for her!.
She didn't for one minute see how great running can be once you do it right.

What is Running really like once you get there?
It's like being on cloud nine and sometimes you don't even feel like your running. When you return from running you don't feel exhausted, but more elated and that feels good. Yes sometimes running is hard, but you always feel good just because you are doing it.

Has this happened to you?

You might of been really eager to start running and you ran,  and ran, and ran...  feeling that running just wasn't for you, because you couldn't catch your breath, you got sore leg muscles, or you just couldn't go any further...  
You still are a trooper if you made it that far...I want to get you farther!

The act of learning to run is so important to your life, so that you understand your reasons, have a goal, a plan of instructions to get you there and motivation for help.

You need motivation each week so that you don't quit!
I can give you that...

Maybe you had your sites on running a 5K race, but it didn't work for you...

It didn't work for you, because you didn't have the proper instruction, information and motivation for a learn to run or 5K training plan to help you get past your difficult parts.
A running schedule is a great thing to have but needs something else to help you along.

I am urging you to  check out the Couch to 5K program!
I can give you the schedules, but truly if you are new to running you need a little more.
The act of learning to run takes to understanding your goals and following through to the end. You need somebody to plan that out for you and follow you to the end.

A new runner needs something to grasp and understand learning to run.
From the very moment you put on your running shoes
until the time you get back, you want to know what you are doing.
Take a look at the Learn to Run Program! This is excellent for YOU!
Click on this link

Friday, April 15, 2011

10 Tips to Weightloss

Learn to Run 

Changing Your Weight Through Lifestyle

I want to you to be comfortable learning to run, eliminating unwanted weight is the first place to start.

I've got 10 Tips to Weightloss.

 10 Tips to Weightloss!

  1. Start by paying attention to exactly what is going in your mouth. Consciously think what is going in your mouth!  This is the first biggest tip to eliminate your weight. You have to become mindful instead of mindless. Many of us eat because the food is there and completely forget food is the problem in losing weight. Going to a party and overindulging. Think of yourself as a baby or your pet. Would you feed them the food you eat? 
  2. Think about your stomach, hips and thighs and how tight your clothes feel.  Try wearing clothes that you wore when you were lighter. This is a perfect reminder not to splurge. You will think what you put in your mouth!
  3. Pack your refrigerator with foods from the produce aisle of your grocery store or market. Make sure all foods are healthy and in direct view. 
  4. Take away craving foods. When you have cravings, are you feeling anxious, worried, nervous, confused and are you really hungry?
  5. Drink water instead. You crave food high in sugar/carbs, it spills over for extra calories. Drink water first to stave off cravings to fool food desires. Your mind can then decide if you are hungry and look for healthier snack choices. 
  6.   Learning to run on a track is great for a beginner runner and weight loss! Join the  5K Training for Beginners and sign up for my newsletter!
  7. Snack at least 3X a day to keep cravings at bay. When hunger is tamed you tend to crave less.
  8. Do a 3 day fast before starting a new weightloss plan.  Make it easy and stick to a good diet plan. 
  9. Sleep more each night. Studies show that when you sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a night you crave less foods the next day.
  10. Start on a raw food diet and change your eating for good! 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

30 minute Yoga Dvd

Check out this 30 minute Yoga Dvd!

Doesn't it seem that once you get one injury another one creeps in right behind it? It happens when you're in the depths of a learn to run program or training.

This is so frustrating to say the least! 

One of the best ways to protect yourself from injury is to do proper stretches, but sometimes this isn't enough!
  • Wouldn't it be nice to have the gift of an aligned body? 
  • Wouldn't it be great to learn how to properly stretch to prevent injuries?
This is where I can offer you a peace of mind...It's called

The 30 Minute Runner's Yoga Dvd compliments your running program and your life!

I'll let you in on a story...

One day I was surfing the net trying to figure what to do about a nagging hip injury that started from shin splints. I came upon this site that talked about runners and all the kinds of injuries that runner's get. This site was building a bit of annoyance in me, but I continually read on...
The author thought running was really bad for you.He quoted that running was bad for your joints, muscles and whole body. And Last but not least he said running makes you old! 

Needless to say I felt a bit compelled...

A bit compelled to do some research...
What a horrible thing to read when you absolutely love running!
 You know...I didn't believe this for one minute!

It prompted my curiosity.
What I found was running is actually better for your health than you think!
Just a few benefits...
  • Running is excellent for your bones
  • Running is excellent for your muscles
  • Running is excellent for you cardio vascular system
  • Running is excellent for you respiratory system 
  • Running is excellent, excellent for your everything!
And for the part that running makes you old...Actually running regenerates all the cells in your body and can actually make you look younger and feel younger right down to the cellular level.
 This is good news, the long and short of it running is excellent for your health.

So what's the problem then, why are all of us runners getting injuries?
When you age you lose strength and flexibility even if you've run for 30 years. Ah hem.... It's inevitable, it just happens. You don't run around like a toddler all day moving through, around and up onto couches, floors and chairs. Yes, your toddler is building many muscles!

Running at the same time builds a little of these muscles, but not nearly enough of them! Do remember when was the last time you ran, crawled, crept and climbed all around like a toddler?

So this is where the 30 minutes of yoga daily comes in.

Doing  the 30 minutes yoga dvd will increase your flexibility, so your muscles and joints stay limber and flex better. Your body becomes aligned like it once was, so every running step runs nicely.

Yoga builds strength in your joints and muscle and this is a big plus,
because those muscles that are not being used running build, so that the large and small  muscles can support one another. This also spells out a faster metabolism...
More muscle means more fat burned...
A lot of runners use Runner's Yoga!
Do the 30 minute Yoga dvd, you ignite every part of body that needs to be ignited, because you are giving your body the attention it needs!
Runner's Yoga
is a Total Mind-Body Workout you can do on your own ... almost anywhere ... in just 30 minutes!  
30 Minutes of Yoga Daily to Add to Your Running Program
It's for anybody. 
It's for all levels of fitness and flexibility.If you are interested in giving your body a lift towards strength, agility and inner peace.
I strongly recommend this program for YOU.

Now order by Paypal!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Buy Running Shoes for Running Now!

  It's time to buy running shoes for your feet now!

Choose to buy running shoes for running now so it will benefit your feet, joints and your running before you start running!

It can be daunting trying to figure out the right running shoe. I've got 3 categories for you to pick from. There are lots of questions about what type of running shoe is the best for you feet, so go ahead figure out what shoe is best for you.

When you are thinking about purchasing a running shoe, you really have to investigate what type of shoe you really need according  to your foot type and the way you run.
Your feet are an important part of your running program because they are the first to absorb your body's  impact.

Running in the wrong running shoe for too long will change your form and could cost you an injury. The shock that comes from your feet hitting the pavement can run up to parts of your body that weren't built to absorb that kind of impact. Start out in a  normal running shoe and see the difference after buying a more specialized shoe for better absorption!

Tires on a car:
If you were to drive a simple care down a really bumpy road for a month, what would happen to your car? It depends on the tires. If you didn't have specialized tires you'd probably have to replace the shocks, have some tire issues and last but not least your car, from all that impact, would need adjustments to the mechanics within.
Change it up a bit by putting super absorbent tires and better shocks and you got yourself a car that loves the bumpy road.

You are the same except this is your body we are talking about, so buying good runners is a must when you are learning to run!

Before you buy running shoes for your feet!
There are 3 types of shoe categories:

Motion control 

What category are YOU?
Stick your foot in water and then stand on dry pavement, or a paper bag, the deck, the porch...
Look at your foot print...

(Can you see the whole foot print?)
Flat or low arch people need arch support to correct too much motion.   
Shoe Choices - Stability -100-130 Ibs person/ motion control- 140-200+lbs

(Can you see the whole foot print except for the inside curve?)
This is close to normal, most of these people have good pronation in the foot and relatively good shock absorption. 
Shoe Choices - Stability/neutral - 100-130 lbs/  Stability -140-185Ibs/ Stability/Motion Control -190-220+lbs

(Can you see some of the foot print with the inside curve of the print extending to the outer center of foot?)  This is a high arch and most of these people need a good cushioned shoe to compensate for the shock.   Shoe Choices -Neutral - 100-185 Ibs/ Neutral, Stability 180-220+lbs

Related Articles:
So You Have The Right Shoe

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Training for a 5k run in 6 weeks

This schedule is for the new runner who wants to train to the next level.   
Training for a 5K run in 6 Weeks should get you running confidently in your next 5K race!
5 Kilometers is running up to about 30minutes.
Related Post:
5K Racing Schedule

It is never too late!

What is it? Are you walking around numb doing everything for everybody but yourself? What a life... the years go by so fast and then your li...