Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm Running Strong... But Gaining Weight?

Not happy stepping on the scale. 
Where do those pounds come from?

How do you gain weight
when you run, and run and run?
I'm running strong...
But gaining weight?

I ask myself this question a lot... Why does the weight come on even if I am active and burning calories?

So here I've found 7 reasons You might gain weight even though your running strong

  1.  It's the change of seasons and the days are shorter, running may be the only exercise of the day compared to the warmer temperatures when your out and about and burning more calories.
  2. People tend to snuggle down earlier and snack more in the fall and winter.
  3. Our bodies go through a kind of getting ready for winter and go through a hibernation stage.
  4. Elevated stress from work before the holiday season, having you picking up fast food meals with higher calories.
  5. You sleep more or sleep less and this tips the balance of your body's normal functions and can aggravate cravings for food all through the day.
  6. You crave more foods which contain more carbs and this has you craving more carbs.
  7. Seasonal Effective Disorder (SAD) - Individuals are negatively affected by the change in seasons from fall to winter and function less efficiently in the winter months. You tend to get tired and forgo going and working out. Leading to depression and eating, hence gaining weight.
Try doing interval training, tempo training and long runs, you will raise your metabolism and get yourself into a new kind of running motivation by running faster. Your metabolism will be your greatest asset once you step it up. Click on this running training link to find out more information!

I have a great program that runners love!
The Training for Beginners with lots of information on running, learning to run properly and losing weight to boot!

Friday, November 13, 2009

How to start running again?

Don't know how to start running again?

Have you ever had it where you've started a running  program and you continue to do it for 3 months to a year and then... 
YOU never go back?

What are the chances of you running again?

Lots of people go through this in the beginning of a new program...and take more than 3 days off and don't know how to start running again.

Even people who have been running, can quit because of life getting in the way and just don't know how to get back into running again!

For example if you love to run and love it passionately, you will have no problems sticking with a running program. But, say you run for another 6 months or even a year,  you may find yourself unchallenged and bored.
All of a sudden you take more than 3 days off and it's harder to get back to running so you eventually quit.

I am a passionate runner, sometimes I train for races and sometimes I just run for the enjoyment. When I take more than 3 days off I don't find it hard to get back, because I've learned a few important tips. 
By mixing up runs and doing other exercises! 
      I'm preventing boredom, over training and even injury!

Here's some great tips to keep running this time!
  • Do a little running on the treadmill.
  • Go for a fun snowy jog..
  • Go for a swim instead and do some running in the pool.
  • Work out on some weights.
  • Buy a new outfit for working out.
  • Run on a different route.
  • Run with different people.
  • Make or join your own running club and have a blast!
  • Go Biking or do another sport or hobby, activity on your rest days.
  • Remember to allow yourself rest days.
  • Make sure you have goals, and only try to accomplish one every two weeks.
  • Slow down or speed up your runs. Challenge yourself...Run the next road or sign.
  • Go for a walk instead and run the last part home.
Then...add some Yoga, stretches, join a fitness club.
The problem with doing the same thing week, after week... after week is it becomes too much of the same thing and you push yourself to do something you don't want to do anymore, maybe because it is too easy or too hard!
You need a change and get creative!

I know we are creatures of habit, but when it comes to exercise make sure you don't lose your passion and keep it fun! So if you are running and loving it right now or doing any fitness program make sure you follow these tips and keep on enjoying it...
*Pay Attention for the nudge that you need change, so that the next time you are taking more than 3 days off you don't end up quitting entirely!

Please leave a comment in the section below and let me know what keeps you motivated!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Running Posture

Running Posture

 I've been running for a very long time... 

What I have realized when I run is that I have developed a bad habit and it's a running posture that is off!
My bad posture,  it's causing a whole host of problems!
At the end of my runs, especially my long runs...
I've started to slump and tilt my head more. 
Sometimes I feel so uncomfortable and tense from running that I can't wait until the run is over. 

It can be mind boggling wondering what has happened to your running, if you don't know that bad posture may be the culprit!

Here are some interesting points I'll address:
  •  What bad posture does to your body while you're running. 
  •   a way to align your posture while you run.
  •  a program that prevents your body from falling out of alignment and lets you stay in good form.
  • I'll let you see a test that you can try too! 

What does bad running posture do to your running?
It makes your body fall out of it's natural alignment.
Your torso, hips, legs, shoulders, back and even your breathing can be affected.
This will cause you to run slow and feel sluggish.

Why do you feel like this during a race? 

During a race you are much more tense than during your normal runs and your posture it different than it usually is.Your joints and muscle become strained and tight and your breathing goes out of rhythm and  your stride can become too long or short. Cramping can even happen in the abdomen because of slouching over.

 How do you align your body while you run?
  • Be conscious of when you feel these symptoms above, and change your running posture by doing a posture body check starting at your shoulders and down your neck to your abdomen, legs then ankles. If you feel tension in any part, relax it. 
  • Look ahead with your eyes peering about 20 feet away, your chin should be level with you neck relaxed. Sometimes this is all that is needed to get your running posture in check. (My Trick!) 
  • Shoulders back for good breathing - Visualize a light from the sky shining down through your head to in between your feet. Think this and you will have perfect posture!

I have been working on my core and training using Runner's Yoga. This program focuses on your muscles and joints and builds strength and flexibility. 
Posture is so important to help your body stay strong!
Running and feeling good is really important. 
Be conscious of your posture while you run.

This is my test that you need to try, it was amazing!    
I ran a 5Km being completely conscious of my posture.

After coming back from the run with better posture, my running times where about a minute faster then usual! I couldn't believe it, because to be honest I wasn't putting a lot of speed or effort into it. What a surprise! 
I ran with my my back and shoulders straighter, looking straight ahead. I constantly thought of a beam of light that would need a good path to shine down through my body, starting from the top of my head down between my feet.
Then another day I ran and didn't concentrate or think about posture.
After doing a regular run with my regular posture my times were slower...About a minute slower. I actually felt more tired at the end of my run.

This may have had to do with a whole host of issues, but to see if  your posture has something to do with the way your running is going, try it.

Stay in tune with your body and think about your running posture!

Please leave a comment in the section below if you've had any posture problems running.

It is never too late!

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