Friday, October 1, 2010

When YOU are DOWN...Your Away Space

Your away space!

It is difficult sometimes to find your way to center.

If what you are feeling right NOW is negative, it is time to move on and get on with YOUR REAL LIFE.

Sometimes it takes a holiday away or sometimes it's just finding more time for yourself running.

If you are not in a position to be away from your present life...

It is time find your way back home.
Maybe just take off to the bath after everyone is in bed, or sitting out back while everyone is busy, maybe it's even going out for a run or walk.

Just those few minutes will give you time to regroup and decide on how you can move out of those down feelings and move to better thoughts. I always go running when I'm down and when it's not my running day I go for a walk!

When I'm not able to do either it's always nice to find an away space!

I recommend regular times on your own because this is an excellent way for building more happiness into your life.


This space is so important to your well-being.
The operative word here is AWAY.
This is your uninterrupted space that you call your own.
 Everyone should have one.
This space should be so uninterrupted and you should have the confidence to know,
you will never be interrupted!

Everyone in the household should understand what an AWAY SPACE is!

It is the space that you call your own and no one is in this space except YOU... 

YOU have this space for at least 15 minutes each day.
You have no plans for this space.
When you first begin... get used to this time and space.
Make sure that your family understands the importance of this space and time.
Once this happens you will understand why this space in time is so important.
YOU will be excited knowing you have this time each day.

I would not recommend you use the 15 minute breaks you get at work, although those are good 15 minute breaks, they are not the same as an away space that you have set up for yourself. It is crucially important that you discover this wonderful time.

Find that AWAY SPACE in your day!

Let everyone else know not to disturb you.
If you have to make a sign or even buy a Do Not Disturb sign. 'DO IT'

I should mention...  

This space is not the time to resolve issues with you spouse or children or even best friend! It is a time just to sit at first and listen to nothing. It may feel awkward at first, but the importance of this time every day is for you health and well-being. If you cannot just do this one thing for you today, then those 'down and out' feelings are just stacking up feelings that will stay with you for a life time! Illness loves 'down and out' people!

Don't make yourself a target... work towards living life for just YOU!
Sign up for my running program and find your away space just click on this link to get started!
Sign up!

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