Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Do You Have A Story?

I have a few stories, but I would love to read more!!! Some of them are very sad and some of them are not. It is comforting to write down what has happened to you in your life. Sometimes the story maybe really long and sometimes the story maybe short. Whatever, when you write down the story of your life, you will discover how important you really are!! Look at all the points that were monumental and changed your life forever. Look at how sadness has shaped you and your family. Then you can ask yourself, "How did I cope?" Because we all figure out ways to cope. We learn to cope in good ways and sometimes in not so good ways.
Go look inside yourself and ask what story you have to share.
My story started when I was 8 years old and my little brother died of asthma. It took us all by surprise! (naturally) He was such a happy little guy, who used to sneak in between my sister's and my bed. We would eagerly make his spot so cozy and put a light and cover over like a tent. I was small at eight and even remember excitedly going to the park across the road with 'Michael' on my shoulders!!! And then one dreary day March 16Th he was gone and never seen again. It was horrendously tragic to me and my whole family. Then a few weeks later my mother was suppose to see her mother who lived out west. Sadly the engagement was missed. My mother's mother (Grandmother) was killed by a drunk driver. So much for running home to mother! This really rocked our family for years. We still never talk about it!
Please tell me your story! You will feel a little lighter!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Take a Closer Look!

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and responded with. "I love you!" ? In a good sense--- this is good to do. You are accepting yourself and loving just you for being you! How much better could life get? Their is so much to look at from the outside. So many different people that have so many ranges of colour, widths and heights, etc. We are a kaleidoscope of people. Thank goodness because life would be uninteresting! If you live in the city look out your window and people watch. The different mannerisms these people carry are learned and inherited, it is amazing! The exciting part is these people have a story all their own. Each and every person should have a chance to tell their story. But first...the most important thing to do before you tell your story is... look in the mirror and say, "I love you!" You have come a long way in this world and deserve to get your story heard. Writing down your story, may make you soar or may make you cry. It might be difficult to type. It might send you away to another place for a moment. The key is that when you tell your story, the realization that you are an important person will be recognized. Look outside at all the people and you fit right in with everybody else. You are part of a human race and the universe. In a big part you are the universe. So go ahead feel like the universe and gain your own power, because I believe you can really love your self! Please feel free to tell your story! You can post it here! or Send it to runningmyspace@gmail.com

Monday, January 14, 2008

" Shadow of a Doubt"

" Make peace and forgive yourself and others. "
Shadow of a Doubt
How many times have you heard this phrase? For me It's been plenty. I know by experience, there is strong truth to this.

What does this phrase really mean?

If there is a 'Shadow of a Doubt' that you have not forgiven, life living will not be peaceful and negative thoughts will sit with you forever. These thoughts can change your moods and if they start to pile up --- will ultimately change you as a person. Each time you forgive, you stay true to yourself and feelings of anger, frustration, shame, or sadness fade. We have all heard the saying, "Time heals." Yes... time heals feelings that are true feelings of forgiveness. When you're sad because of a loss, you grieve and than move on. When your sad because you have been betrayed, you don't grieve. Instead you fester over unforgiving thoughts. Unforgiving is like an open sore that never closes.

The more this happens --- the more it festers. ANGER is the result of this and it will grow in the unconscious part of the mind. When this happens... It doesn't matter if it is a good day and the sun is shinning, because you are developing into an unhappy individual.--- You won't be able to get out of the clouds.

Some people blow up easily and some people go quiet and withdraw from the world. Everybody has a different way of displaying the 'pile ups' of 'unforgiveness'. In short the 'unforgiveness' becomes our shadow. Our 'unhappiness' in life walks around confused not knowing why we are not happy!

Everybody has some unhappiness, that is why forgiving is such an important part of being. From the beginning of childhood our parents tell us to forgive. You learn from your siblings that, 'to forgive and forget and move on' is a important part of growing. Did we all forget this as adults?

An example:

Forgive yourself for having chubby legs. Look down at them and see the good in them. At least you have legs that walk.
Or if you are paralyzed, forgive yourself for being paralyzed! Look at what you do have, like the beauty of your surroundings... Nature, family and pets.
You are still alive, so live and don't stop!
If you are having a difficult time forgiving someone. Put yourself in that persons shoes and write down at least 5 reasons why they would of done what they had done.

The Gift of ForgivenessWhen you shine a light in your imagination on the things you need to forgive...Only goodness comes!

Forgive and move on, because happiness is being you!

Most of us have problems forgiving ourselves and others too.

Think of how lucky you are to be alive and able to forgive! You will find eventually forgiveness becomes more automatic.

Remember if there is a " Shadow of a Doubt " that you haven't forgiven---then go ahead forgive, because you know what to do...

Happiness will always follow your way.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


When you go to your own uninterrupted space for 15 minutes each day. You are listening to nothing but the sound of your
heart as it diligently beats a rhythm. If your heart could sing, it would sing a song that would lead to the inside of who YOU really are. STOP for just a moment and think of how wonderful that moment might be.
What an easy NEW START for 2008! Go ahead and think of an away spot or if you already have one... Don't forget to go there every day. And...listen, listen, listen. Your inner voice is just waiting for YOU!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

What have you done so far?.....................

What have you done so far? Anything? Not yet? ... That's OK--- you have this time now to think of what you really want to change in your life. What is it that you want to change? Big changes can send you over the edge. A tiny change could actually change your life...towards the positive. I have been trying to think of a small change, but it is hard to think.
There are so many big things to change... It sends me to orbit!
Big changes rarely materialize or last. Do it right--- you won't have to fight! OOPS! I've got to go!... I'm off to my "away space" to decide what to change. There is always room for change.
Change directs you closer to the real you.
*Remember you are doing this change for YOU! *
Nobody else matters except for you. Everybody will benefit from you change! Of course we all know why that is... It's because you took another step towards being a HAPPIER YOU!

It is never too late!

What is it? Are you walking around numb doing everything for everybody but yourself? What a life... the years go by so fast and then your li...